Feeding silkies
I feed my silkies a varied diet. I start my chicks on chick starter crumbles and hardboiled eggs (whites & yolk)
. Once theyre a few weeks old I start giving them treats , such as mashed baby peas & yogurts with fruit.
When they hit adolescence , I mix some grower finisher pellets in with their crumbles , and then some laying
pellets. For treats I give them all sorts of things, such as romaine lettuce, peas, whole wheat or multigrain breads . In
the winter its hard to find a large assortment of fruits , once spring arrives I start feeding them apples, oranges, watermelon,
strawberries , peaches & a few other fruits.
As adults I feed laying pellets one week, grower finisher the next. I also give them all the fruits & breads
that they want.
Cracked corn or hen scratch is not a main part of any of my birds diet . In the spring & summer they are fed very
little scratch, and its only fed as a treat. In the winter I increase the scratch to a couple of handfuls daily for each pen.
Many broody hens wont get off the nest to eat or drink , for this i make sure each sitting hen has food & water
right next to her nest so that she doesnt even have to stand to reach them. I am sure to give them xtra treats so that while
they are sitting they do not get too thin.